Saturday, August 15, 2009

Money And Spirituality, Is it a Sin to Make Money?

Money causes most people more emotional problems than almost any other life issue. How many times have you heard that "Money doesn't grow on trees", that "The love of money is the root of all Evil" or that anyone who is rich must, by definition, be either a crook or extremely hard and tough? Most people have extremely negative associations about Wealth and Money that were gained subconsciously whilst growing up.
The world's spiritual traditions seem to be in agreement."No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."Other world religions say much the same.
Yet, most personal development teachers today tell you that you can "have it all" and extol the virtues of becoming wealthy. Moreover, it seems to be a very modern version of spirituality that says you can be rich AND highly spiritual. So who is right?
Within a strictly limited sense, both are correct. However, the balance is extremely hard to maintain correctly
Given that the Universe and the Source that created it are infinitely abundant, it is entirely correct that you should expect to be similarly abundant in your life. You have a right to wholesome expansion and wealth. Poverty is not intrinsic within creation - rather it is created by Man himself! However, there is a big problem,. It is the problem of focus
Whatever we focus our minds upon, for good or ill, always expands. This is one of the fundamental laws of life. No matter what anyone tells you to the contrary, making money is hard. It does not come easy to most people. Moreover, making a LOT of money is VERY hard and takes a tremendous level of concentrated focus. It also requires a commitment that is primarily EXTERNAL, i.e. devoted to the outer material world. Herein lies the apparent conflict. The truth is that powerful spiritual development ALSO requires a tremendous level of focus and commitment. It is not a part-time activity either. Moreover, the focus is primarily INTERNAL. It is not that money is intrinsically evil: rather, the accumulation of it, for someone with limited years on this earth, is a major distraction because of the level of focus it requires. Whatever you focus upon expands. If you set your mind upon the external world, this will assume increasing importance in your life. Spiritual growth will increasingly become a hobby or something to be crammed into your spare time. So the solution to this problem is that there must be a judicious mix to both money making and spirituality. Make money, but use it wisely and for a good cause.

Never Say No To Money. But Use It JUDICIOUSLY

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